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What are the benefits of an HP document solution sale to both you and your customer?
A. increased sales of MFPs and greater customer satisfaction
B. increased sales of printers and a great deal for the customer
C. higher revenue and sales margins, and the opportunity to change the customer’s work methods to increase efficiency and reduce costs
D. higher sales volume and overheads, and the opportunity to change the customer’s work methods to increase head count and reduce costs
Answer: C
What can IT departments provide to justify spending on new projects?
A. ROI analysis
B. SAP analysis
C. ERP analysis
D. ROA analysis
Answer: A
What do IT departments need to do to gain support for new projects?
A. ensure the project comes in on budget
B. satisfy the issues of implementation, roll out, and support
C. satisfy the issues raised by finance and purchasing departments
D. ensure the project meets overall business strategy and identify the beneficiaries
Answer: D QUESTION NO: 4
What is a horizontal solution?
A. a solution that focuses on print infrastructure solutions
B. a solution that focuses on print management solutions
C. a solution that addresses the needs and pain points of many business sectors
D. a solution that addresses the needs and pain points of one specific business sector
Answer: A
Why is it important to continually qualify any particular opportunity?
A. to determine a suitable length of contract
B. to determine if the customer will install HP Web Jetadmin
C. to decide whether or not to offer a discount on HP supplies
D. to decide whether or not to continue to pursue the opportunity
Answer: D
What is the main reason for managing sales activities as a process?
A. to enable a sales department to track the activities of all sales people
B. to enable a sales department torespond quickly to a customer’s buying behavior
C. to enable a sales department to respond to the technological trends of the market
D. to enable a sales department to respond to a customer’s legal and audit requirements
Answer: B
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